High Current Pogo Pins Revealed: A Comprehensive Examine of Pomagtor’s Advanced Technology

Pomagtor is the undisputed leader in high current connectivity solutions. Modern technology is Pomagtor‘s forte, and they provide a variety of high current pogo pins to suit every need. Among their notable offerings is the High Current Pogo Pin 18.0*81.0mm Stroke6mm, a meticulously designed product that boasts an astounding 60A at 220V, a temperature range of -30~85°C, and a contact force of 300+50gf.

Unleashing Power with High Current Pogo Pins

In today’s fast-paced technological landscape, the demand for high current pogo pins capable of handling up to 60A has never been greater. Pomagtor’s innovative solutions not only meet but exceed these requirements, offering unparalleled performance and reliability in high current applications.

Customization for High Current Test Probes

One of the key advantages of Pomagtor’s high current pogo pins is the ability to customize them according to specific needs. Whether it’s for industrial machinery, medical devices, or aerospace applications, these high current test probes can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of any project.

Enhanced Performance and Durability

Pomagtor’s high current pogo pins are built to deliver exceptional performance and durability, even in the most challenging environments. With a focus on quality and precision engineering, these pogo pins ensure reliable connectivity and seamless operation, making them the top choice for high current applications.


To summarize, Pomagtor’s High Current Pogo Pins have established a new benchmark in terms of power and dependability in applications that involve excessive current. Pomagtor is the company to go to for individuals who are looking for cutting-edge connectivity solutions because of the fact that their solutions are fully customized and their performance is unparalleled. At this very moment, you can experience the might of Pomagtor’s high current pogo pins.

About Mark

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