Improving Foam Plastic Sheets with Calcium Carbonate: Valuable Perspectives from Boyu Extruder

Foam plastic sheets have gained significant popularity due to their versatility and wide range of applications. One crucial factor that positively influences the quality and performance of expanded PVC foam board is the addition of calcium carbonate. Boyu Extruder, a renowned manufacturer in the industry, sheds light on the benefits of incorporating calcium carbonate into foam plastic sheets. In this article, we explore the reasons behind calcium carbonate’s role in promoting optimal foam board properties and the key considerations for selecting and treating this essential additive.

The Role of Calcium Carbonate in Foam Plastic Sheets

Calcium carbonate plays a vital role in enhancing the characteristics of foam plastic sheets. Primarily, it acts as a nucleating agent, facilitating the adsorption of foaming gas and promoting the formation of bubble cores. This process enables precise control over the number and size of bubbles, resulting in finer PVC foam structures. Additionally, calcium carbonate improves the melt properties of PVC by imparting high rigidity. This rigidity restricts rapid bubble expansion and movement, leading to smaller and more controlled bubble sizes.

Selecting and Treating Calcium Carbonate

While calcium carbonate offers significant benefits, it is crucial to select and treat it appropriately for optimal results. Not all forms of calcium carbonate can effectively promote PVC foaming. Therefore, it is essential to consider specific conditions. Boyu Extruder recommends the following factors for selecting and treating calcium carbonate:

Particle Size: The particle size of calcium carbonate significantly influences foaming characteristics. Finer particles tend to disperse more uniformly, leading to enhanced foaming efficiency. Boyu Extruder suggests selecting calcium carbonate with an appropriate particle size distribution to ensure optimal foam plastic sheet performance.

Surface Treatment: The surface treatment of calcium carbonate is another critical aspect to consider. Proper surface treatment enhances compatibility with PVC, resulting in improved dispersion and foaming properties. Boyu Extruder emphasizes the significance of selecting calcium carbonate with suitable surface treatment for superior foam board outcomes.

Purity and Whiteness: The purity and whiteness of calcium carbonate are essential factors affecting the overall quality of foam plastic sheets. High-purity calcium carbonate ensures minimal impurities, while excellent whiteness enhances the aesthetic appeal of the final product. Boyu Extruder emphasizes the importance of sourcing calcium carbonate with high purity and whiteness for optimal foam board production.


Incorporating calcium carbonate into foam plastic sheets can significantly enhance their performance and quality. Boyu Extruder highlights the crucial role of calcium carbonate as a nucleating agent and its ability to improve the melt properties of PVC. Selecting and treating calcium carbonate properly is essential, considering factors such as particle size, surface treatment, purity, and whiteness. By following these recommendations, manufacturers can maximize the benefits of calcium carbonate and produce foam plastic sheets that meet the highest standards of excellence.

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