Regularly Asked Questions
Some questions you’ll ask in just about any survey. These questions appear in many shapes and sizes and discuss everything from demographics to informed consent. Use this chapter as a resource for commonly asked questions.You can append each of these questions to any survey, including any of the surveys referenced in this book.
Each will help you to acquire important information. As a reminder, not all questions are appropriate for all surveys. Whenever you use one of these questions, be sure that it is positioned correctly in the survey flow, that it is appropriate for your target audience, and that it uses terms and tense consistent with the rest of your survey
Demographic Questions (What are they? Why do they matter?)
Have you ever noticed how television commercials change based upon the program you’re watching? You wouldn’t expect to see a children’s toy commercial late at night, beer commercials during Saturday morning cartoons, or a sports figure during afternoon soap operas.
Smart advertisers use demographics to target commercials in order to get the most bang for their buck. Similarly, researchers use demographics to segment their audiences and discover hidden trends. Running a business for a “general population” is almost impossible. Targeting profitable market segments is an important business fundamental.
Demographic questions enable you to find unique groups, trends in their behavior, and more efficient ways to target and serve them. Finding these trends in key markets has allowed leading businesses, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and political candidates to segment their audiences and succeed in working with them.
Do all of your customers have Master’s degrees? Perhaps college-educated customers love your service but high school drop-outs find it lacking. Segmenting your customers by education level can reveal unique trends. Knowing who to target can improve any business. Education questions tend to ask about the highest level of education completed by an individual or family.
Does a product cater to a certain industry, pay grade, or experience level? Powerful companies have lost market share and even gone out of business because they catered to the wrong industry or occupation of workers within an industry. That’s why many companies ask employment questions in their surveys. Employment questions can cover a wide range of issues.
They typically address topics such as industry, job function, organization type, organization size, years of experience, and income questions. You can find each of the many formats shown below in the Qualtrics Question Library.